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'*' : type.toLowerCase(); if ('*' === type) reg = Object.values(any); else if (type in any) reg.push(any[type]); return !!(reg.length && navigator.userAgent.match(new RegExp(reg.join('|'), 'i'))); }; var isSupportViewportUnits = (function () { // modernizr implementation var div = document.createElement('div'); var body = document.querySelector('body'); div.setAttribute('style', 'height: 50vh; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;'); body.appendChild(div); var height = parseInt(window.innerHeight / 2, 10); var compStyle = parseInt((window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(div, null) : div.currentStyle)['height'], 10); body.removeChild(div); return compStyle == height; }()); ready(function () { document.querySelector('html').classList.add(isMobile() ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'); // .mbr-navbar--sticky // needs some check window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { document.querySelectorAll('.mbr-navbar--sticky').forEach(function(el) { var method = window.scrollTop > 10 ? 'add' : 'remove'; el.classList[method]('mbr-navbar--stuck'); if (!el.classList.contains('.mbr-navbar--open')) el.classList[method]('mbr-navbar--short'); }) }); if (isMobile() && navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/i)) { // simple fix for Chrome's scrolling (function (width, height) { var deviceSize = [width, width]; deviceSize[height > width ? 0 : 1] = height; window.smartresize(function () { var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; if (deviceSize.indexOf(windowHeight) < 0) windowHeight = deviceSize[window.innerWidth > windowHeight ? 1 : 0]; var el = document.querySelector('.mbr-section--full-height'); if (!el) return; el.style.height = windowHeight + 'px'; }); })(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); } else if (!isSupportViewportUnits) { // fallback for .mbr-section--full-height window.smartresize(function () { var el = document.querySelector('.mbr-section--full-height'); if (!el) return; el.style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px'; }); // $(document).on('add.cards', function (event) { document.addEventListener('add.cards', function (event) { if (document.querySelector('html').classList.contains('mbr-site-loaded') && outerFind(event.target, '.mbr-section--full-height').length) window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('resize')); 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's' : '') + ':'; previewURL += '//img.youtube.com/vi/' + parsedUrl[6] + '/maxresdefault.jpg'; var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { if (120 === (image.naturalWidth || image.width)) { // selection of preview in the best quality var file = image.src.split('/').pop(); switch (file) { case 'maxresdefault.jpg': image.src = image.src.replace(file, 'sddefault.jpg'); break; case 'sddefault.jpg': image.src = image.src.replace(file, 'hqdefault.jpg'); break; default: // image not found if (isBuilder) { img.style.backgroundImage = 'url("images/no-video.jpg")'; img.style.display = 'block'; } } } else { img.style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + image.src + '")'; img.style.display = 'block'; } if (el.querySelector('.mbr-background-video')) el.querySelector('.mbr-background-video').remove(); var videoElement = document.createElement('div'); const wrapperBackground = document.createElement('div'); const videoBackground = document.createElement('div') const videoForeground = document.createElement('div') videoForeground.classList.add('mbr-video-foreground'); 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wrapperBackground.style.overflow = 'hidden'; wrapperBackground.style.position = 'absolute'; wrapperBackground.style.width = '100%'; wrapperBackground.style.height = '100%'; wrapperBackground.style.top = '0'; wrapperBackground.style.left = '0'; videoBackground.style.background = '#000'; videoBackground.style.top = '0'; videoBackground.style.right = '0'; videoBackground.style.bottom = '0'; videoBackground.style.left = '0'; videoForeground.style.position = 'absolute'; videoForeground.style.top = '0'; videoForeground.style.left = '0'; videoForeground.style.width = '100%'; videoForeground.style.height = '100%'; videoForeground.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; videoElement.style.marginTop = '0'; videoElement.style.maxWidth = 'initial'; videoElement.style.transitionProperty = 'opacity'; videoElement.style.transitionDuration = '1000ms'; videoElement.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; videoElement.style.position = 'absolute'; videoElement.style.top = '0'; videoElement.style.left = '0'; videoElement.style.width = '100%'; 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(getHeight(el) - window.innerHeight) : (offset(el).top - stickyMenuHeightCalculate()); // Disable Accordion's and Tab's scroll function carouselCheck() { return target.classList.contains('carousel-control') || !!target.parents('.carousel-controls').length } if (el.classList.contains('panel-collapse') || el.classList.contains('tab-pane') || carouselCheck()) { return; } window.scrollTo({ top: goTo, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); }); break; } } while (target = target.parentNode); } catch (e) { // throw e; } }); } // init the same height columns document.querySelectorAll('.cols-same-height .mbr-figure').forEach(function (el) { var img = el.querySelector('img'); var cont = el.parentNode; var imgW = img.width; var imgH = img.height; function setNewSize() { img.style.width = ''; img.style.maxWidth = ''; img.style.marginLeft = ''; if (imgH && imgW) { var aspectRatio = imgH / imgW; // needs check (in jQ version supposedly should be .css() instead of .addClass()) el.style.position = 'absolute'; 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